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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I hope that you enjoyed the holidays and that you were able to spend time with those that you care about. I also hope that you were able to spend some time thinking about the past year and all that you want to accomplish this year.

I spent the holidays relaxing with family and loved ones, celebrating milestones, appreciating all the ups and downs of the past year and, thinking about what I want for the upcoming year.

As I mentioned in my last post regarding our car accident, I have a lot to be grateful for. I also have a lot that I want to accomplish. This year is as good as any to get moving on those accomplishments.

I had the opportunity to write my list of goals (not resolutions per se) a bit early.

Please share your goals and plans with me, I’d love to know what you are up to.

This was supposed to be a different type of post, but, I wanted to start the new year with something more positive. I promise I will get back to the cranio and parenthood stuff soon. It takes a lot out of me to write, and I’ve had some other things that I wanted to share in the meantime. Although my posts are not necessarily in chronological order, they will paint a complete picture, so make sure you haven’t missed anything by checking out the home page.

Looking forward to us continuing this journey together in the new year!

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